“We have been the Solution Partner of the Food Industry for 64 Years” | HORECA TREND

Civil Society

“We have been the Solution Partner of the Food Industry for 64 Years”

TÜGİS Board Chairman Kaan Sidar, in his statement on the occasion of the union's foundation anniversary, said, "With our vision of a new generation of active employer unionism, we support the competitiveness of the food sector and the sustainable development of our member companies. We bring together sector stakeholders through food summits, seminars and webinars to produce common solutions."

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The Turkish Food Industry Employers' Union (TÜGİS), whose foundations were laid on January 24, 1961 as one of the first employer unions in Turkey, is celebrating its 64th anniversary. TÜGİS, which is also among the founders of the Turkish Confederation of Employer Unions (TİSK), continues to develop sectoral collaborations, produce common solution proposals and encourage sustainability at every stage of the food chain from farm to table, in addition to its union activities.

“We Will Raise Our Food Industry to the Position It Deserves”

Making statements on the anniversary of its establishment, Kaan Sidar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Food Employers' Union (TÜGİS), said, "As an active solution partner of the food sector for 64 years, we are aware that dialogue has become even more important in today's business world where change and transformation are accelerating. In this regard, we continue our work to strengthen our economy and social welfare by maintaining our active role in collective bargaining negotiation processes." 

Emphasizing that TÜGİS, as an employer union established within the framework of the Trade Unions and Collective Labor Agreement Law No. 6356, includes the leading organizations of the food sector under its roof, but its activities are not limited to union issues, Sidar said, “In addition to spreading the modern production approach with sustainability policies, carrying out works for the Turkish food industry to rise to the position it deserves in the global arena is among the basic missions of our union. In this direction, we have implemented many projects that guide our sector. Disseminating accurate information about food, preventing information pollution in the sector and informative activities that support the development of employees have always been our main priorities.”

“We Are Building the Future of the Food Ecosystem Together” 

Noting that they support the competitive power of the food sector and the sustainable development of TÜGİS member companies with the vision of a new generation of active employer unions, Sidar said, “We continue to develop common solution suggestions by bringing together all stakeholders of the sector through the food summits, seminars and webinars we organize, and we build the future of the food ecosystem together. As an employer union that puts forward innovative solutions, acts with scientific data and always focuses on communication, we would like to thank all our members who support us wholeheartedly.”

Source: HORECA TREND and Turkish Food Employers' Union (TÜGİS)

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Golin Istanbul Became Dubai Economy and Tourism's Communications Consultancy Agency

Aiming to position Dubai as one of the world's most important destinations in terms of travel, business and tourism experiences, Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET) has chosen Golin Istanbul as its communications agency.

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As part of the partnership, Golin Istanbul will provide DET with strategic consultancy services in the areas of brand communication, reputation management and media relations. With its innovative content strategies and data-driven insights, Golin Istanbul will contribute to DET’s mission to position Dubai as a preferred destination for Turkish travelers throughout the year and increase cultural interaction.

This collaboration aims to increase Dubai's visibility in strategic markets, to reach wider audiences with its diverse experiences, and to create an interaction that is in line with the city's future vision.

About Golin

Golin is a global PR agency that helps brands create meaningful change. We work together with bold ideas, inclusivity and dedication while discovering the powerful behaviors that connect us. Our 50 offices and 1.700 employees around the globe enable us to provide our clients with comprehensive solutions for their multi-market, regional and global communications programs. Golin was named PRWeek’s “Global Agency of the Year” in 2019, 2020 and 2021; PRWeek US’s “Best Place to Work” in 2022; Provoke Media’s “Large Agency of the Year in North America” in 2021 and 2022; and we were the first PR agency to win an “idea” award at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in 2019 when we won the Gold and Silver Lion Awards. Golin is a member of the Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG). www.golin.com You can get more information from the address.

About Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET)

Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET) aims to build a sustainable future for the city in line with Dubai Economic Agenda D33. The 10-year plan aims to double Dubai’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), place it in the top three global cities, and make Dubai a preferred city to visit, live, work and invest in.

Source: HORECA TREND and Golin Istanbul

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Civil Society

Türkiye's Food Industry Reached a Volume of Approximately 2024 Billion Dollars in 160!

Kaan Sidar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Food Industry Employers' Union (TÜGİS), stated that they carried out pioneering work towards the fair sharing of food and the prevention of food waste in 2024, and said, “Global climate change continued to affect productivity in 2024. 

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“We brought together representatives of the food ecosystem through the Food Ethics Seminar, Sustainable Food Summit and webinars and sought solutions to problems in the sector. As one of the leading representatives of the new generation active employer unionism, we carried out the negotiation processes on behalf of our members in 18 collective labor agreements,” he said. Sidar also noted that despite the climate crisis, high interest rates worldwide and geopolitical tensions, the Turkish food industry reached a volume of approximately 2024 billion dollars in 160.

Kaan Sidar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Food Industry Employers' Union (TÜGİS), made evaluations regarding the year 2024. Stating that as TÜGİS, they carried out pioneering work throughout the year on the importance of ethical principles in production, fair sharing of food and prevention of food waste, Sidar stated that the Turkish food industry left behind a successful year despite many difficulties.

 “Climate Change Continues to Affect Productivity”

Kaan Sidar, who reminded that the food sector has left behind a year under economic difficulties and negative climate conditions affecting agriculture in his assessment, said, “Global warming continued to cause fluctuations in agricultural productivity in the world and in our country. FAO data also reveal that climate-related yield losses put upward pressure on food prices. On the other hand, the supply chain recovery that started in 2023 continued partially in 2024. However, we observe that high interest rates and geopolitical tensions around the world increase investment costs and limit new investments in agricultural production and the food industry.”

Nearly 25 Billion Dollars of Exports

Kaan Sidar, who noted that Turkey maintains its export potential with its wide product range and strategic location despite global challenges, underlined that local-to-global branding efforts also contribute to the competitiveness of the food sector. Sidar said, “The food sector, which closed 2024 with an export of nearly 25 billion dollars, has once again demonstrated that it is one of the leading actors of the Turkish economy. In the upcoming period, investment incentives are needed for the food sector to catch up with technological innovations, expand its current production capacity and further increase its competitiveness in international markets. Of course, appropriate financial support is also needed. At this point, let us emphasize once again the importance of our central government continuing its encouraging support.”

“We Conducted Joint Work with Food Ecosystem Representatives”

Stating that they are also pioneers in projects aimed at fair sharing of food and preventing waste as TÜGİS, Sidar said, “Ensuring sustainability at every stage of the food chain, from farm to table, is of vital importance for future generations to have access to a safe and fair food system. In this context, we met with representatives of the food ecosystem through the events we organized throughout the year. “We brought together representatives of the food ecosystem through the Food Ethics Seminar, Sustainable Food Summit and webinars and sought solutions to the problems in the sector,” he said.

"“The Fight Against Disinformation Will Continue”

Sidar also stated that they will continue to fight against false posts spread on social media, especially by conveying scientific facts about food directly to consumers; “We will continue our work in 2024 through the TÜGİS Science Board this year. We believe that consumers being informed about issues such as product content, processing technologies, packaging and storage will enable them to make conscious choices in their shopping and not to trust misleading posts.”

“We are the Active Solution Partner of the Sector”

TÜGİS Chairman of the Board Kaan Sidar, as one of the leading representatives of the new generation active employer unionism, also emphasized that they take an active role in solving the sector's problems with constructive dialogues and solution-oriented meetings between the employee-employer and the public. Stating that they take part in the collective labor agreement processes of the leading companies in the food industry, Sidar also stated that they consulted on the current situation of the food industry and conveyed the problems of the sector through visits they made to the Chambers of Industry and Commerce and Ministries.

 “We Draw Attention to the Problem of Counterfeit and Adulteration”

Stating that they frequently emphasize the importance of sustainable production, ethical principles and consumer health in the sector, Sidar said, “The problem of imitation and adulteration in food production reveals that financial concerns and inadequate inspections pose a direct threat to human health and the environment. For this reason, we underlined that both the public and private sectors should continue their determination regarding the deterrent nature of legislation and sanctions.”

Source: HORECA TREND and Turkish Food Industry Employers' Union (TÜGİS)

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Civil Society

TURYID Presidency Entrusted to Kaya Demirer Again

TURYID's 14th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting was held on Monday, January 13 at Sunset Grill & Bar. Kaya Demirer was once again elected as the Chairman of TURYID's Board of Directors at the General Assembly, and the names elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors were also determined.

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Yaprak Baltacı (Morini, Clove, Epoca), Ebru Koralı (Ful Bistro), Onur Tahincioğlu (Grill Prime), Yücel Özalp (Desert Group), Volkan Akkaş (Akkomarka Restaurant Group), Nuri Develi (Develi) were appointed as Vice Presidents. TURYİD, which includes important names in the sector, will continue to work for the growth of Turkish gastronomy within the sustainability ecosystem in the new period.

Tourism Restaurant Investors and Gastronomy Businesses Association (TURYID), brought together the leading names of the sector at the 14th Ordinary General Assembly held at Sunset Grill & Bar. At the General Assembly Kaya Demirer, was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the seventh time, while the Vice Presidents and members of the Board of Directors were also determined.  

In the 14th Ordinary General Assembly meeting of TURYID, the members consisting of investors in the leading food-beverage-entertainment sector of tourism, gastronomy facility operators and suppliers, Board Members whose terms of office have expired and members of other boards were unanimously discharged. The election of the association bodies for the new term was also carried out in the assembly. It was decided that the Vice Presidents would be at the head of the committees that will work actively in the activities of this term. The committees in question that will carry out their work under 7 headings and the responsible committee chairmen were determined as follows; Public Relations, Law and Legislation Committee / Kaya Demirer, Press, Broadcasting and Public Relations Committee / Yaprak Baltacı, Summit and Domestic-International Activities / Ebru Koralı, Member Communication and Development Committee / Nuri Develi, Income Generating Activities Committee / Yücel Özalp, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Committee / Volkan Akkaş, Human Resources and Education Committee / Onur Tahincioğlu.

In order to include young names from the sector in the Board of Directors in the new term, Ayhan Çarıkçılar (midpoint) and Gamze Cizreli (bigchefs), who served as Vice Chairman of the Board in the previous term, joined the High Advisory Board, which is a higher board of TURYİD, as consultants. Barış Tansever, one of the former Vice Chairman of the Board, will continue as the Chairman of the High Advisory Board. 

Since its establishment in 2003, TURYID has made efforts to transform the food, beverage and entertainment sector into an experience industry in the rapidly developing gastronomy world. It has implemented many events and projects aimed at informing and raising awareness of all stakeholders in this regard. TURYID, which has undertaken training and certification programs, festivals and social responsibility projects aimed at providing human resources to the sector, has brought gastronomy and economy together for the first time in the world and provided the ground for new readings in the sector with the 'GastroEconomy Summit' it has organized 4 times. 

In addition to the GastroEconomy Summit, which will be held in the upcoming 2025-2026-2027 period, TURYID has put new projects on its agenda under the titles of 'Healing Tourism', 'Blue Economy', 'International Business Partnerships', and 'Sustainable Gastronomy'.

Following the General Assembly, which marked the beginning of the new term, TURYID's new management also met with important names from the gastronomy world. Kaya Demirer, who will begin his 7th term as TURYID Board Chairman, said the following after the election:

"TURYID, which was established in 2003 with the coming together of 37 founding members, has reached a power that represents 3150% of the sector with a turnover exceeding 250 billion dollars and a size of 6 businesses in Turkey and 26 abroad. These figures impose a responsibility on all of us regarding what we will do for the development of the sector. As in the past, we will continue to work intensively and concentratedly. With the new and young generation Board Members and Vice Presidents who have joined us, we will continue our efforts without interruption to carry our sector into the future and to ensure that the gastronomy sector reaches the potential and reputation it deserves.”

Kaynak: HORECA TREND and Tourism Restaurant Investors and Gastronomy Businesses Association (TURYID)

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