Komili “Last Tree” Project Advertisement | HORECA TREND

Vegetable oil

Komili “Last Tree” Project Advertisement

Komili draws attention to monumental olive trees with its new project "The Last Tree". The "Last Tree" Project, designed so that olive oil and culture can "Live for Generations" in these lands; The olive oil, produced in a limited number of special bottles obtained from monumental trees over 400 years old, is supported by a commercial film and the sonagac.com website that will generate income for the project.

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Komili; With his new project, The Last Tree, which he designed to increase the impact of the Memorial Olive Tree Project he started in 2018, he says, "If you have to live with a single tree, there is no other option than olives." While 25 million trees have been scanned so far within the scope of the Monumental Olive Tree Project, which was implemented "so that olive oil and culture can live on for generations" in these lands; More than 400 monumental olive trees over 300 years old were identified, registered and mapped. Now, with the Last Tree Project, the unique olive oils produced from these centuries-old olive trees are offered for sale for those who want to support the brand's Memorial Olive Tree project. The entire income from the sale of “Komili Son Tree Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil” in its limited edition special bottle obtained from monumental trees over 400 years old, which can only be purchased from selected sales points specified on the sonagac.com website, is transferred to the Komili Memorial Tree Project.

The movie "The Last Tree", produced by RED and GREY Advertising Agency, which will be broadcast on television, cinema, outdoor, digital platforms and social media, focuses on the story of the last remaining olive tree in the world, accompanied by the impressive music composed specifically for the project by Rahman Altın. In the movie, it is explained that each of the monumental olive trees, which became heroes with their fight against humanity, should be protected as "the last tree".

If you would like to contribute to the Komili Memorial Olive Tree Project "So that olive oil and its culture will live in these lands for generations" www.sonagac.com You can support us by purchasing Komili Son Ağaç Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil, specially produced from olive trees over 400 years old, from the website.


Advertising Brand: Bunge Food / Komili Olive Oil

Advertising Brand Officials:

Marketing and Commercial Marketing Leader: Dr. Pınar Nokay

Brand Manager: Demet Umezu

Brand Manager: Gulnihal Metin

Deputy Brand Manager: Meltem Karamanoglu

Advertising agency: RED and GRAY

Production: Kouem Media

Yönetmen: Emre Basaran

Music: Rahman Gold

Media Planning Agency: Universal McCann

PR Agency: Golin Istanbul

About Komili

Komili, one of Turkey's most established brands, has been continuing its journey in the Komi Village of Lesbos in 1878 in Anatolian lands since 1923. Komili, which was acquired by Bunge Gıda in 2017, continues its leadership in the olive oil sector. Komili, which obtains its olive oil from the best olives of the Aegean region, especially Ayvalık and the Gulf Region, offers its consumers the olive oil it produces with its long years of experience, knowledge and expertise, as well as its production technology, varieties determined in line with consumers' preferences and sensitive quality criteria. Komili also works to increase the awareness of olive oil, raise producer awareness, increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase consumption.

Source: HORECA Trend and Komili

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Vegetable oil

Dubai Chocolate with Orchid Chocospread

Offering special solutions for spreadable chocolate and filling cream, Orkide's product in the industrial oil category, Orkide Chocospread Vegetable Anhydrous Oil, is offered to pastry chefs and chocolate manufacturers for the popular flavor Dubai chocolate.

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The popular flavor Dubai chocolate is distinguished from other chocolates with its multi-layered structure. The combination of the crispy structure of kadayif and pistachio with chocolate creates a unique flavor and product texture. Orkide Chocospread Vegetable Anhydrous Oil ensures that the pistachio-filled cream, which is the unifying factor for the multi-layered structure of Dubai chocolate, is creamy and smooth. Orkide Chocospread, which provides maximum stability for the separation of the oil phase in spreadable cream and cream chocolate applications, maintains its ideal spreadability feature even at low temperatures and does not contain trans fat.

Orkide, which has achieved sustainable growth in the vegetable oil sector since 1979 and is one of the largest vegetable oil producers in Turkey; It stands out with the widest product range in the sector in the sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, margarine, vegetable anhydrous oil, out-of-home consumption and pastry oils and industrial oil categories, which it produces in two zero-waste certified production facilities. Orkide, which interprets the "good life"-oriented nutrition trend for its products and introduces brand new products to consumers, also produces as the industrial oil supplier of many ready-made food manufacturers in the sector with the special products it has developed.

Source: HORECA TREND and Orchid

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Vegetable oil

Olizzi Olive Oils Add Flavor to Your New Year's Eve Tables

Olizzi, which meets consumers on online platforms and at select sales points, offers different options for New Year's gifts with a rich product range with high nutritional and polyphenol values. Olizzi, which also flavors New Year's tables, adds a delicious touch to your meals by leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate.

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Olizzi, which produces carefully prepared olive oils for people who pay attention to what they eat, offers different alternatives to olive oil lovers with its New Year gift options. Produced from olives meticulously collected and harvested between September and November, Olizzi Olive Oils are the favorite of those who want to leave an unforgettable taste on their New Year's tables as well as a New Year's gift option. With its delicious options, Olizzi meets olive oil lovers both on online sales platforms and in select stores.

Olizzi, which carries the miracle of olive oil from the branch to the table, offers a rich product portfolio with olive oils with high nutritional and polyphenol values, produced from early and variegated harvest olives, all hand-picked and processed with the cold pressing method. Olizzi's products meet its consumers in single-use 10 ML packages, 100 ML, 250 ML and 500 ML glass bottles, 2 LT and 5 LT cans. The product range offered by Olizzi is as follows:

Olizzi Premium Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Olizzi Premium Organic Olive Oil, which won the Silver Medal in the world's most prestigious olive oil competitions Olive Japan 2020, JOOPrize 2021, Olive Japan 2022 and JOOPrize 2023 and the Gold Medal in Berlin GOOA 2023, is an organic, early harvest, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. It has high polyphenol values ​​and is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Olizzi Premium Organic is a delightful option for early harvest enthusiasts. With its high bitterness, pungency and fruity flavor, it brings the magnificent taste of early harvest olives to your meals. It reveals itself in pairings such as tomatoes, boiled eggs, cheese, pomegranate syrup, avocado, smoked meat, pan-fried vegetables and meat. Olizzi Premium Organic is preferred for marinating, dressing and sautéing with its rich flavor notes.

Olizzi Baby Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Olizzi Baby Organic Olive Oil, which won the Silver Medal at Berlin GOOA 2023, one of the most prestigious olive oil competitions in the world, is an organic, variegated harvest, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. Olizzi Baby Organic is a good choice for those who like a rich and smooth taste with high fruitiness, balanced bitterness and pungency levels, and a soft drinking olive oil. We quickly send our olives, which we hand-pick when pouring from green to variegated in October-November, to cold pressing. We obtain our high-quality and delicious extra virgin organic olive oil with a low free fatty acid ratio using completely physical methods. It has high polyphenol values ​​and is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. With its low-balanced bitterness, pungency and high fruity flavor, Olizzi Baby Organic adds flavor to the whole family's meals and appeals to every palate in the house. It can be paired with cold and hot dishes; It is suitable for use in purees, soups, boiling and sauces.

Olizzi Classic Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Olizzi Classic Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is an organic, variegated harvest, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. We quickly send our olives, which we hand-pick in October-November when they are still turning from green to variegated, to cold-pressing. We obtain our high-quality and delicious extra virgin organic olive oil with a low free fatty acid content using completely physical methods. Olizzi Classic Organic Olive Oil takes your daily meals one step further. With its unique flavor, balanced and fruity taste, it is produced for you to crown the flavor of every plate from your soups to pan-fried vegetables, salads and meat dishes with extra virgin olive oil.

Olizzi Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Olizzi Everyday Olive Oil, which won the Silver Medal at JOOPrize 2021 and JOOPrize 2023, one of the most prestigious olive oil competitions in the world, is an early harvest, cold-pressed natural extra virgin olive oil. It has high polyphenol values ​​and is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It reveals its taste in a wide range of green and vegetable salads, drizzled over hot dishes, boiled or oven-baked vegetables, and in pairings such as pan-fried vegetables and meat. Olizzi Everyday is preferred for pan-frying, baking, roasting and barbecue with its rich flavor notes.

Olizzi Pomegranate Syrup: Olizzi Pome Pomegranate Syrup is a 100% natural pomegranate syrup obtained by meticulously picking and squeezing pomegranates grown meticulously in the Harran Plain during their season. Thanks to this method, 100% pomegranate syrup is achieved and it does not contain any added sugar, additives or preservatives other than pomegranate juice. Olizzi Pome Pome Pomegranate Syrup adds a rich flavor to meals by offering a perfect balance of sweet and sour. Olizzi Pome Pomegranate Syrup is a perfect accompaniment to a wide range of flavors from salads to meat dishes, appetizers to sauces. With its intense pomegranate aroma and sweet-sour taste, it makes your meals unforgettable. During the marination phase, you can marinate meat or vegetables with Olizzi Pome Pomegranate Syrup and add flavor. You can add flavor to salad sauces or other food sauces by adding it to them, and you can benefit from its seasoning feature by pouring it directly over the food or using it during cooking in various dishes.

Olizzi Bliss: We obtain our St. John's Wort oil by pressing the St. John's Wort flower, which we collect from Akseki forests, one of the valuable regions of Turkey in terms of biodiversity, into our olive oil using the maceration method.

Source: HORECA TREND and Olizzi Olive Oils

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Vegetable oil

Kerevitaş's Award-Winning Oil R&D Center Leads the Future of the Industry

Kerevitaş Oil Business Unit R&D Center has developed over 200 innovative products for domestic, international retail and out-of-home consumption channels since its establishment. Kerevitaş, which is a leader in all business lines it operates, continues to be a pioneer in the sector with its public, private sector and university partnerships in the national and international arena.

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Kerevitaş, which is a leading oil producer in all business lines including consumer products, out-of-home consumption and export, started its operations in 2016 with the R&D Center Certificate Approved by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

Kerevitaş Oil R&D Center is the first and most innovative company in the sector with its wide product portfolio developed with high technologies and free of trans fats. Offering different solutions according to the needs with its innovative thinking and experienced staff, Kerevitaş Oil R&D Center has cooperated with more than 150 industrial organizations, institutes, research centers and universities in Turkey and abroad to date.

International Award for Innovative Projects

Kerevitaş Oil R&D Center has successfully completed 7 projects, one of which is international, with its high-tech pilot facilities that allow for rapid action in addition to vegetable oil refining and modification, and approved by Eureka, TÜBİTAK and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Kerevitaş Oil R&D Center, which focuses on innovative processes and products with EU projects, will have 2 projects within the scope of HORIZON EUROPE by TÜBİTAK in 2022.above the threshold" was awarded as.

Developed under the leadership of Kerevitaş Oil R&D Center, it aims to preserve the first day freshness and taste of bowl margarines throughout their shelf life. Smart & Active Packaging For Margarine (SAP4MA) The project was successfully completed. This project, which is a first in the world food sector, has high added value, is sustainable and increases competitiveness, and won the 2024 Euripides Innovation Award in Hamburg.

Source: HORECA TREND and Kerevitaş

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